Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Book That Will Change Your Life

One of the most powerful and life changing books, if taken to heart, a person could ever read is Saint Louis Marie de Montfort's True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

There can be no understating the importance of this little book.  Even Saint Louis realized the importance of it as he wrote it and prophesied that the devil would try to prevent its being known to the world, and this came to pass for it was lost for 126 years after his death.
“I clearly foresee that raging beasts will come in fury to tear to pieces with their diabolical teeth this little book and the one the Holy Spirit made use of to write it, or they will cause it at least to lie hidden in the darkness and silence of a chest and so prevent it from seeing the light of day. They will even attack and persecute those who read it and put into practice what it contains. But no matter! So much the better! It even gives me encouragement to hope for great success at the prospect of a mighty legion of brave and valiant soldiers of Jesus and Mary, both men and women, who will fight the devil, the world, and corrupt nature in the perilous times that are sure to come.” (True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, #114)
When it was found, however, it quickly came to the attention of the Holy Father and he commanded it to be published far and wide.  Every Pope since the work’s discovery has practiced the devotion contained within its pages.  This is not merely one of a number of devotions, but it is rather a way of life and a firm and secure path to heaven.  Pope Leo XIII actually renewed his consecration to Mary according to the method found in this book on his death bed.  This book will change your life if you read it and re-read it and take it to heart and truly live out what it prescribes.  Let us listen to the testimonies from Saint Peter himself:

“This is the best and most acceptable form of devotion to our Blessed Lady.” -Blessed Pope Pius IX

“I heartily recommend True Devotion to Mary, and to all who read it I grant the apostolic Benediction.” -Pope Saint Pius X

“Small in size but of what great authority and what great sweetness.  May it be spread every more and still more, and rekindle the Christian spirit in souls in ever growing numbers.” -Pope Benedict XV

“I have practiced this devotion ever since my youth.” -Pope Pius XI

“The force and unction of the words of Mary’s servants have not only touched but captivated and converted many souls.”  -Venerable Pope Pius XII

“Reading this book was a deceive turning point in my life.  This perfect devotion is indispensable to anyone who means to give himself without reserve to Christ and to the work of redemption.” -Blessed Pope John Paul II

Read Here — Buy Here: (1) (2)

**More to Read**

After reading True Devotion a work which should follow it up as a sort of “one-two” punch is the fantastic book written just around 50 years earlier by the great Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori: The Glories of Mary.  Read here and buy here.  Also Montfort has several other small books that can be read in conjunction with True Devotion and the most important of these is: The Secret of the Rosary.  Read here and buy here.

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